Tag: fungi

foraging mushrooms boletus

Are you ready for an adventure Foraging Mushrooms? Imagine wandering through lush forests, eyes keenly scanning the forest floor for nature’s hidden treasures. Mushroom foraging is not only a thrilling hobby but also a way to connect with nature and discover the bounties it has to offer. In this comprehensive…

True Chanterelles or False Chanterelles – it’s a question we might find asking ourselves when we’re out foraging for Chanterelles, to help you forage for the right thing we’ve put together a full piece outlining the key differences between the two.   At first glance, it’s easy enough to see…

Traditionally November marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, but there’s still space to head out foraging in November. It’s really the foragers last chance to collect and preserve ingredients to last throughout the winter. In some parts of the country snow will already have…

The relationship between and fungi is a truly complex one, through this piece we’ll just scratch the surface. When people think of fungi they often see them as destructive, appearing on stale bread, rotting fruit and vegetables and killing trees. But many fungi are actually beneficial to plants and trees,…

One of the most commonly asked questions, when we are running courses, is ‘Will we find any Truffles today?’ unfortunately my answer is almost always no, through this guide we’re going to look at An Introduction to Truffles in case you happen to be lucky enough to stumble across some…