Let’s talk about something I sometimes worry about – hair loss. Sure, losing a bit of hair daily is perfectly normal (I used to panic every time I saw hair in my brush!). But when you notice more falling out, it’s totally natural to feel concerned. Here’s the wonderful news:…
Category: Blog

My heart still skips a beat when I think about the magical world of medicinal plants growing wild around us. Just imagine – countless generations before us have tapped into this natural pharmacy, gathering remedies from trees and meadows for thousands of years! Let me share something wonderful with you…

The Daisy family, scientifically known as Asteraceae, is the largest family of flowering plants in the world having over 32,000 species! It comprises mostly herbaceous plants especially in the UK, and makes up a huge portion of our most showy and valued flowers. Asteraceae is so large it’s incredibly varied,…

Amanita Muscaria, or the Fly Agaric, the iconic and quintessential mushroom (or toadstool) of European folklore, is one steeped in much myth and legend, both urban and otherwise. Some (mostly mis-informed) people have been brought up with the belief that it is deadly poisonous, others believe it to be the…

AI is Transforming Wild Food and AI has the potential to revolutionise wild food collection and could bring fresh perspectives to traditional foraging. Smart foraging tools could help people spot mushrooms and understand their growth patterns better. These AI-powered mobile apps could teach eco-friendly harvesting methods too. New technology creates…

Winter chanterelles on toast is as quick to enjoy as it is to make, unadulterated and massively underrated! This dish offers a delightful combination of flavours and textures that can elevate a simple meal to a gourmet experience. Basic mushrooms on toast, when correctly seasoned and cooked, can be a…