Amanita Muscaria, or the Fly Agaric, the iconic and quintessential mushroom (or toadstool) of European folklore, is one steeped in much myth and legend, both urban and otherwise. Some (mostly mis-informed) people have been brought up with the belief that it is deadly poisonous, others believe it to be the…
Category: winter

Clematis / Summer / Autumn / Inedible Clematis vitalba, often called Traveller’s Joy or Old Man’s Beard, is a familiar sight in hedgerows and woodlands across the UK. This vigorous climbing plant is known for its feathery seed heads and clusters of creamy white flowers that brighten the countryside in…

Tuberous polypore / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible The Tuberous Polypore (Polyporus tuberaster) is a delightful find for me. Known for its edible qualities and distinctive growth habit, this mushroom grows from an underground sclerotium—a hard, tuber-like structure that gives it its name. Found on…

Smokey Bracket / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible The Smokey Bracket (Bjerkandera adusta) is a subtle yet fascinating fungus that you’ve likely walked past countless times without even noticing. Found on decaying wood, especially hardwoods, it’s a common sight in UK woodlands year-round. Its smoky-grey…
Fenugreek Milkcap / Autumn / Winter / Toxic The Fenugreek Milkcap (Lactarius helvus) is a striking mushroom that stands out not just for its appearance but for its unusual, spicy aroma reminiscent of fenugreek or maple syrup. Found in acidic, mossy woodlands across the UK, particularly around pine trees, this…