Delamere Forest

Delamere Forest, Station Rd, Delamere, Northwich CW8 2HZ

Delamere Forest spans an impressive 2,400 acres, making it the largest woodland in the country. This land has a long history, having once served as the hunting grounds of Norman earls, and is now managed by the Forestry Commision. The mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees play host to many forageable species, and some of the trees are wild edibles themselves! Toilets onsite Paid public parking Children welcome (please note that one child under 12 is welcome to attend per ticketed adult, but we do not cater separately for children on our Forage and Cook events, so you be sharing your lunch!)  Well behaved dogs allowed Cafe

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fri21mar10:00fri16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere

sun30mar10:00sun16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere


sat05apr10:00sat16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere Sold Out!

sun27apr10:00sun16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere


wed07may10:00wed16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere

fri23may10:00fri16:00Forage and Fermentation Course in CheshireDelamere

mon26may10:00mon16:00Forage and Cookery Course in CheshireDelamere


sat28jun10:00sat16:00Forage and Fermentation Course in CheshireDelamere