Poplar Bell Fungus / Autumn / Inedible There’s something truly special about stumbling across a rare find in the woods—one of those moments when you feel like you’ve uncovered a hidden treasure. That’s exactly how I felt the first time I spotted the Schizophyllum amplum, better known as the poplar…

AI is Transforming Wild Food and AI has the potential to revolutionise wild food collection and could bring fresh perspectives to traditional foraging. Smart foraging tools could help people spot mushrooms and understand their growth patterns better. These AI-powered mobile apps could teach eco-friendly harvesting methods too. New technology creates…

Spotted Toughshank / Summer / Autumn / Inedible The Spotted Toughshank (Rhodocollybia maculata), is a common woodland species that catches the eye with its distinct appearance yet isn’t suitable for the table. Known for its pale, cream-to-tan cap speckled with characteristic dark spots, this tough and fibrous mushroom is more…

Shaggy Scalycap / Summer / Autumn / Inedible The Shaggy Scalycap is the one mushroom you could potentially confuse with the edible honey fungus mushroom, it’s well worth getting to know as we come across it regularly. Scientific Name Pholiota squarrosa Common Names Shaggy Scalycap Family Strophariaceae Habitat They are…

Deadly Webcap / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Deadly Toxic The Deadly Webcap (Cortinarius rubellus) is one of the most dangerous mushrooms found in the UK, European and North American forests. With its deceptively ordinary appearance, this species has been responsible for numerous cases of severe poisoning and fatalities.…

Tripe Fungus / Autumn / Inedible The Tripe Fungus (Auricularia mesenterica) is an unusual and eye-catching mushroom, often found on the decaying wood of broadleaf trees across the UK, Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Named for its resemblance to animal tripe, this fungi features a distinctive layered structure…