When we’re Foraging in February the weather tends to still be cold and there’s still the risk of snow and frost but on the odd days when the sun does shine it gives me hope that spring is just around the corner. So what can you forage in February?…
Tag: Lesser Celandine

Lesser Celandine / Spring /Leaves and flowers are edible when cooked Lesser Celandine is one of those plants you’ll see almost everywhere in spring, carpeting woodland floors with vibrant flowers. Scientific name Ranunculus ficaria or Ficaria verna Family Ranunculacea (Buttercup) Habitat Habitat: Hedge banks, roadsides, river and stream banks and…

Lesser Celandine / Spring / Summer / Edible A very common, woodland plant, one of the first plants to flower in spring. Common Names Lesser Celandine, Spring Messenger, Pilewort Botanical Name      Ficaria verna formally Ranunculus ficaria Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Ranunculales Family – Ranunculaceae Physical Characteristics for…