Fenugreek Milkcap / Autumn / Winter / Toxic The Fenugreek Milkcap (Lactarius helvus) is a striking mushroom that stands out not just for its appearance but for its unusual, spicy aroma reminiscent of fenugreek or maple syrup. Found in acidic, mossy woodlands across the UK, particularly around pine trees, this…
Tag: milkcap

Peppery Milkcap/ Summer / Autumn / Edible but not recommended Through this guide we’re going to be taking a deep dive into the peppery milkcap to discover the keys to safely identify it. Scientific Name Lactarius piperatus/Lactifluus piperatus Family Russulaceae Habitat Deciduous woods, frequently with Ash on rich soils. Description…

Woolly Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Poisonous Through this guide we’re going to look at the key feautures to help identify the woolly milkcap mushroom. Scientific Name Lactarius torminosus Family Russulaceae Habitat Woods and heaths, usually with Birch General Description It has a cap 4-12cm across which is convex…

Bearded Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Poisonous Though this Bearded Milkcap (Lactarius pubescens) Identification we’re going to look at the key features for features so you feel safe to not accidentally pick it. Latin name:Â Lactarius pubescens Family:Â Russulaceae Habitat Often growing near Birch and often growing in sandy…

Fleecy Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Inedible Through this Fleecy Milkcap (Lactifluus vellereus) Identification Guide, we’ll look at the keys to correctly identifying this species. Latin Name:Â Lactifluus vellereus Family:Â Russulaceae Habitat In deciduous woods, late summer to early winter. Description A large pale mushroom which exudes…

Indigo Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Edible Through this Indigo Milkcap (Lactarius indigo) Identification guide we will be taking a look at a very distinct member of the Milkcap family, quite rare but a lovely find. Scientific Name Lactarius indigo Common Names Indigo Milkcap, Blue milkcap, Candy cap Family…

False Saffron Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Edible The False Saffron Milkcap Mushroom is the one thing that is often confused with the Saffron Milkcap Mushroom, not to worry though, they’re both edible 🙂 Scientific Name Lactarius Deterrimus Family Russulaceae Habitat Found growing with coniferous trees, especially Spruces and…