If you’re looking to add a unique twist to your meals, this recipe featuring three-cornered leeks is a fantastic choice. Commonly found in woodlands during spring, three-cornered leeks have a mild garlic flavour that pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes. Here’s how you can incorporate them into a fresh,…
Tag: wild food

Shaggy Inkcap / Autumn / Edible Scientific name Coprinus comatus Family Agaricaceae Habitat Grassland, lawns, verges often in large numbers Description Magpie inkcaps are bell shaped white floccose mushrooms with a long white stem. Identifying features: Cap: White cap with white fibrils, starting off egg shaped, becoming long bell shaped. The…

Winter Chanterelle/Autumn/Winter/Edible Scientific Name Craterellus Tubaeformis Common Names Winter Chanterelle, Trumpet chanterelle, Yellow Foot Family Cantharellaceae Habitat Not too common but can be found in quite large numbers. A delicious wintertime mushroom, most often found growing with beech or birch and quite often in mossy areas. They do also appear…