It’s not only food we can forage for in our hedgerows, something I love to do is head out Foraging For Dyes. Mother nature provides us with an abundance of plants that can be useful elsewhere than just the kitchen. In this blog post we are going to take a…
Category: Blog
Welcome to the captivating realm of foraging amidst the pristine landscapes of England’s Lake District, yes today we’re foraging in the Lake District! Enveloped by nature’s serenity, this picturesque region not only dazzles the eye but also harbours an array of edible plants and wildlife waiting to be discovered. In…
Through this guide, we’re going to take a deep dive into Mushroom Gills & some other spore-producing surfaces found on mushrooms. As a passionate forager, there’s nothing quite as exhilarating as discovering a hidden treasure in the form of a wild mushroom. These fascinating organisms come in a myriad of…
Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of fungi? Growing mushrooms at home is not only a fulfilling DIY project but also a great way to enjoy the health benefits and unique flavors of these incredible organisms. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener…
If you plan on taking a lot of different spore prints a great tip is to laminate the black and white paper together, and once you’re finished with your spore print you can wipe the laminated papers clean and use it again). Mushroom Spore Prints can be the key feature…
Foraging for wild mushrooms is a captivating and fulfilling activity that allows individuals to intimately connect with nature and discover an array of delectable edible treasures. In the United Kingdom, the British Isles are home to a staggering 15,000 species of wild mushrooms or fungi, with abundant growth in woodlands…
We’re Foraging in March, the weather is slowly warming up and flowers are starting to bloom but the weather can vary across the country and further north there’s still a risk of snow. The Anglo-Saxon name for the month was Hlyd monath meaning stormy month. If the weather is terrible…
I’m obsessed with the gorgeous cherry blossom this spring, even more so knowing that you can eat most of it! In this article I’m going to look at the different edible Prunus/cherry species and varieties that you are most likely to find while foraging in the UK and Ireland. Cherry…
Through this piece we will be taking a look at the key ways to help us in Identifying British Trees in Winter As the vibrant colours of autumn fade away, the British countryside can seem bleak and lifeless during the winter months. However, there is still much beauty to be…
Come the apocalypse, or more optimistically, a sustainable future, we may well all be looking for more of a taste of the Wild. Many people are surprised to learn that not all foraged food tastes like grass or has that ‘green flavour’ or is ‘a bit bitter’. Admittedly a lot…