Through this piece we’ll be taking a deep dive into the Health benefits of Foraging. The recent increase in the popularity of homeopathic medicine and herbalism as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicine reflects the appreciation that wild plants have excellent medicinal properties. As a forager, I’m not qualified to recommend…
Category: Blog
We are excited to announce that we are offering FREE office space to charities and individuals working within the environmental or related sectors in Stoke-on-Trent! 🌍🤝 Fill out the application here At Totally Wild UK, we believe in supporting and nurturing those making a positive impact on our community and…
In this post we’re going to look at one amazing trick to make you able to identify 50 wild edibles in just five minutes! Mint must be one of the most recognisable and versatile flavours offered by the plant kingdom and is the common name used for the Labiate or…
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Through this piece we’re going to continue looking at foraging in Woodland with a focus on newly established woods – the kind you might find planted recently to create new forests for the future, or that might have sprung up naturally by themselves, perhaps on a peice of waste ground…
Through this blog post, we’re going to take a look at the potential to head out Foraging for Invasives. What is an invasive species, what to look for and some top tips for helping control these species whilst getting a bangin meal at the same time! The spread of so-called…
Lichens are symbiotic associations between a fungus (mycobiont) and a green alga or cyanobacterium (photobiont) through this blog post we’re going to be looking at lichens as food. This relationship can range from mutualism to controlled parasitism. Although the Fungal element of the Lichen does no obvious harm to the…
Through this piece we’re going to take a look at, what I think, is the top 6 things to Forage in the Woods. If you’re someone who loves spending time in nature and discovering new things, then this post is for you. Foraging in the woods is an exciting and…
Seaweeds of the British Isles are one of the richest in the world and that’s why through this piece we’ll take a look at Foraging for Seaweeds. Of the 10,700 species of seaweed that have been identified around the world, more than 6%, 635 species, are found on our shorelines.…
Much as foraging has had a bit of a moment in the last few years and is gaining more attention and popularity, many if not most people have never eaten any wild food before & I wondered why don’t people forage. In this article I want to explore some of…