Category: coastal

Rock Samphire / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Samphire, Stone Samphire, Rock Samphire, Sea Fennel Botanical Name Crithmum maritimum Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Apiales  Family – Apiacea Physical Characteristics for Rock Samphire Rock Samphire is a fleshy perennial growing to 30cm tall and wide.…

Wild Noodle Salad This Wild Noodle Salad is a great and quick way to use whatever wild greens you can find around you, it works as well in spring with wild garlic and nettles, in summer with wild seaweeds and sea purslane or autumn with wood blewits and chanterelles. Ingredients…

Today we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things we love about foraging at the coast. Foraging comes in many forms, from picking mushrooms in the middle of the deepest woods to wandering through open flower meadows, there’s quite literally something to be found everywhere. However,…