Are you ready for an adventure Foraging Mushrooms? Imagine wandering through lush forests, eyes keenly scanning the forest floor for nature’s hidden treasures. Mushroom foraging is not only a thrilling hobby but also a way to connect with nature and discover the bounties it has to offer. In this comprehensive…
Category: mushroom identification
In this blog I’d like to highlight what to forage in an urban environment, looking at a few common species of edible plants and fungi that you might find in any urban or built up areas in the UK. There are actually a huge variety to look for, from the…
You know what store-bought mushrooms are but there’s much more to them so we’re going to take a look at some Weird facts about mushrooms through this piece. What we call a mushroom is in fact just the fruiting body of a fungus, the fruiting videos are produced so that…
Waxcaps are familiar-shaped fungi that are often brightly-coloured with a waxy or slippery-looking cap we’re going to take a closer look at them in this introduction to waxcap mushrooms piece. The botanical name for this family is Hygrocybe meaning ‘watery head’. They are typically found in grasslands that are poor…
 Deceivers / Summer / Autumn / Edible Deceivers, as their name describes, are an edible wild mushroom which grows with variations that can make it a little deceiving, sometimes it has a wavy cap edge, sometimes not, sometimes straight stems sometimes not, sometimes bright orange sometimes almost grey. Scientific Name…
Ugly Milkcap/ Summer / Autumn / Not edible Through this guide we’re going to look at the key features to help identify the Ugly Milkcap mushroom Scientific Name Lactarius turpis Family Russulaceae Habitat Usually with Birch in damp places. Description Called Ugly Milkcap because of its dirty appearance, it has…
Dryads Saddle / Summer / Autumn / Edible Step into the enchanting realm of the forest, where the magnificent Dryad’s Saddle (Cerioporus squamosus) awaits to captivate your senses. Join us on a journey of culinary exploration as we unravel the delights of this edible mushroom. With its large, saucer-shaped cap…
Curry Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Prepare your taste buds for a tantalizing adventure as we delve into the world of the Curry Milkcap, scientifically known as Lactarius camphoratus. In this blog post, we invite you to discover the captivating flavors and aromatic wonders offered by…
Through this guide we’re going to take a look at the milkcap mushrooms, how to identify the family in general as well as some of the most common ones we’ll find when out foraging. We’ll also be looking at some of our absolute favourite milkcaps for eating and adding to…
Peppery Milkcap/ Summer / Autumn / Edible but not recommended Through this guide we’re going to be taking a deep dive into the peppery milkcap to discover the keys to safely identify it. Scientific Name Lactarius piperatus/Lactifluus piperatus Family Russulaceae Habitat Deciduous woods, frequently with Ash on rich soils. Description…