Wild Horseradish Recipes

Here you’ll find a list of our favourite Wild Horseradish Recipes.
Please use these as a guide – You can use Wild Horseradish in any way you may like horseradish already or wasabi. It adds a great spice and kick to dishes it touches.

Wild Horseradish Recipes Below

Edible Uses of wild horseradish

The leaves and the roots are both edible.

The young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach or cabbage.

The root is really the best part of this plant. It is best to harvest it in early winter. It is much stronger in flavour than the cultivated variety and is traditionally used to make horseradish sauce.

It also has many uses in herbalism including to treat skin redness, digestive disorders, constipation, chest infections, arthritis, chilblains, muscle soreness, and urinary tract infections.

It has also been used as a diuretic, antiseptic and expectorant. Research is being undertaken into potential anti-tumour properties.

Happy Foraging