
Fleecy Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Inedible Through this Fleecy Milkcap (Lactifluus vellereus) Identification Guide, we’ll look at the keys to correctly identifying this species. Latin Name:  Lactifluus vellereus Family:  Russulaceae Habitat In deciduous woods, late summer to early winter. Description A large pale mushroom which exudes…

Doesn’t just the very sound of Wild fermented fizzy drinks fill you with abandon?  No stacked corn syrup or artificial flavours here.  Just fresh wild flavours straight from Mother Earth herself.  Wild fizzy drinks are made through a simple fermentation process.  You simply make a juice or infusion, add yeast to it,…

Group Foraging for Mushrooms on a Foraging Course

Through this piece we’re going to look at how we enjoy Foraging in Summer, we’ll be taking a look at coastal foraging in the lower and upper tides, throughout the marsh lands before jumping back on the mainland to see what we enjoy foraging inland throughout summer. I’ll link you…

Elderberry Syrup was once advised to be eaten as a supplement and for helping to keep away colds and flu through winter. I’m adamant that since I started making this yearly and having some whenever I feel a cold coming on that the number of winter colds I’ve had have…

This Elderberry Port recipe is one of the easiest things I make every year, it’s a brilliant late evening drink and I also use it often for presents. If anyone knows me, even veaguely, you’ll know that I absolutely love quick wins that pack masses of flavour, maybe I’m getting…

Elderberry Pontack sauce might be one of those things you’ve never heard of, but once you’ve tasted it you’ll never forget it again. It’s difficult to describe but it’s a bit like if worcestershire sauce, port & ketchup had a little party under and fruiting elder tree and created their…