Tag: Amaryllidaceae

Few-Flowered Leek / Spring / Summer / Edible Identification Guide for Few-Flowered Leek A non-native, invasive member of the Allium family. Do your bit for nature and eat it 🙂 Common Names Few-Flowered Leek, Few-Flowered Garlic. Botanical Name Allium paradoxum Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Asparagales Family –…

Crow Garlic / Spring / Winter / Edible Common Names Wild garlic, onion grass, crow garlic or stag’s garlic, compact onion, false garlic, wild onion Botanical Name Allium vineale Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Allium Family – Amaryllidaceae Physical Characteristics for Crow Garlic A perennial, bulb-forming species of wild…