Tag: elderflower

Come along on a delightful springtime foraging adventure in the enchanting South West England! Get ready to explore the bountiful landscapes, uncover hidden treasures, and embark on a culinary journey like no other. In this article, we will delve into the world of foraging, discovering where to find these natural…

Through this post we’re going to look at a secret trick to making Almost Instant Elderflower Gin. In the past, when I’ve asked more experienced foragers than myself how they make alcoholic infusions and fermentations, I have been a little irritated when they’ve said, “well, I just make it up…

Foraging in June can be really variable weather-wise, one day it’s hot and humid and the next day it’s damp and miserable. The summer solstice is towards the end of the month when the sun reaches its highest point, it’s an important time in the foraging calendar. So what can…

This Elderflower Eton Mess Recipe is a fantastic way to utilise the summers Elderflowers, and once they’ve dropped out of season, if you’ve made up some elderflower cordial or elderflower syrup then you can use that in the recipe too 🙂 Ingredients for Elderflower Eton Mess Recipe (enough for 4)…

Elder / Summer / Autumn / Edible Elder and Elder flowers are one of the most well-known wild flavours in the UK and they can be found in abundance throughout the hedgerows. Botanical Name Sambucus Nigra Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Dipsacales Family – Adoxaceae   Physical Characteristics Elder…