Scarlet pimpernel / Spring / Summer / Toxic The Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) is a charming wildflower often spotted brightening up fields, gardens, and roadside verges across the UK. With its vivid orange-red flowers and creeping habit, it’s hard to miss and often mistaken for an edible herb by novice…
Tag: Primulaceae
Cowslips / Spring / Summer / Edible Cowslips (Primula Veris) Identification A common herbaceous, perennial flowering plant. Common Names Cowslips, Herb Peter. Botanical Name Primula Veris Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Ericales Family – Primulaceae Physical Characteristics for Cowslips Leaves Dark green, long and crinkly. 5-10cm long. Flowers Trumpet-shaped, bright yellow…