Lesser Celandine / Spring /Leaves and flowers are edible when cooked Lesser Celandine is one of those plants you’ll see almost everywhere in spring, carpeting woodland floors with vibrant flowers. Scientific name Ranunculus ficaria or Ficaria verna Family Ranunculacea (Buttercup) Habitat Habitat: Hedge banks, roadsides, river and stream banks and…
Tag: spring
Broom /Spring / Summer/ Flowers, Buds and Seeds Edible, other parts Toxic Broom is the less aggressive little brother to gorse, the two look similar and both have some nice edible and medicinal parts. Scientific name Cytius scoparius/Sarothamnus scoparius Family Leguminosae/Fabaceae (Pea) Habitat Habitat: Prefers sandy, dry acid soils. Roadsides,…
Sea Holly / All Year Round / Edible Sea Holly is one of those plants that from looking at it and touching it you wouldn’t imagine it was edible one bit, it has sharps spikes on it but once you get past them there are some tasty bits to enjoy.…
Calamint / Spring /Summer / Autumn / Edible Scientific name Clinopodium ascendens Family Labiatae (Mint) Habitat Dry, grassy areas on woodlands edges or paths, hedgebanks, scrub, road verges, usually on alkaline soil. It cannot grow in the shade and prefers dry or moist soil. Distribution Up to 380m. In…
Deadly Nightshade / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Deadly Nightshade – As the name suggests it can be deadly poisonous, it’s a member of the same family as tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines and it’s fairly common in the UK. Common Names Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna Botanical Name Atropa belladonna…
Pheasant berry / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible A non-native member of the Honeysuckle family, it’s originally from China and the Himalaya’s and was introduced to the UK by the Victorians. The berries have a strong toffee like flavour. It’s a deciduous shrub-like plant. Common Names Pheasant berry,…
Wild Thyme / All Year Round / Edible Identification Guide for Wild Thyme  It’s a low lying member of the Mint family, it often grows in dense mats and can be used in place of cultivated Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Common Names Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme Botanical Name Thymus…
Spruce / All year round / Edible Spruce is a naturalised, fast-growing, evergreen tree. Common Names      UK spruce, Norway spruce Botanical Name Picea abies Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Pinales Family – Pinaceae Physical Characteristics for Spruce Leaves The needles are stiff and sharp and grow individually, around…
Hedge Bedstraw / Spring / Summer / Edible Hedge Bedstraw is a fairly common, hedgerow plant, it’s related to cleavers and coffee. Common Names Hedge bedstraw, False baby’s breath, Botanical Name Galium mollugo Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Gentianales Family – Rubiaceae Physical Characteristics for Hedge Bedstraw Stems…
Sweet Violet / Spring / Summer / Edible Sweet Violet is a sweet-scented woodland plant, the roots and seeds are toxic but the flowers are delicious. Common Names Sweet violet, Wood violet, Sweet violet, English violet, Common violet, Florist’s violet or Garden violet. Botanical Name Viola odorata Scientific Classification Kingdom…