Tag: spring

Wild Marjoram/ Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible An aromatic, perennial member of the Mint family, it’s most commonly known as Oregano especially in Europe. Common Names Wild Marjoram, Oregano, Botanical Name Origanum vulgare Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Lamiales Family – Lamiaceae Physical Characteristics for Wild…

Lesser Celandine / Spring /Leaves and flowers are edible when cooked Lesser Celandine is one of those plants you’ll see almost everywhere in spring, carpeting woodland floors with vibrant flowers. Scientific name Ranunculus ficaria or Ficaria verna Family Ranunculacea (Buttercup) Habitat Habitat: Hedge banks, roadsides, river and stream banks and…

Broom / Spring / Summer/ Edible Broom is the less aggressive little brother to Gorse, the two look similar and both have some nice edible and medicinal parts. Common Names Broom, common broom, Scotch broom Botanical Name Cytius scoparius/Sarothamnus scoparius Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Fabales  Family – Fabaceae…

Calamint / Spring /Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Calamint Botanical Name Clinopodium ascendens Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Lamiales Family – Lamiaceae Physical Characteristics of Calamint An upright perennial herb, 30 – 60cm tall. Leaves Leaf stalks green, 1cm long, leaves are greyish green, oval with blunt…