Wild Thyme / All Year Round / Edible Identification Guide for Wild Thyme  It’s a low lying member of the Mint family, it often grows in dense mats and can be used in place of cultivated Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Common Names Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme Botanical Name Thymus…
Tag: spring
Spruce / All year round / Edible Spruce is a naturalised, fast-growing, evergreen tree. Common Names      UK spruce, Norway spruce Botanical Name Picea abies Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Pinales Family – Pinaceae Physical Characteristics for Spruce Leaves The needles are stiff and sharp and grow individually, around…
Hedge Bedstraw / Spring / Summer / Edible Hedge Bedstraw is a fairly common, hedgerow plant, it’s related to cleavers and coffee. Common Names Hedge bedstraw, False baby’s breath, Botanical Name Galium mollugo Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Gentianales Family – Rubiaceae Physical Characteristics for Hedge Bedstraw Stems…
Sweet Violet / Spring / Summer / Edible Sweet Violet is a sweet-scented woodland plant, the roots and seeds are toxic but the flowers are delicious. Common Names Sweet violet, Wood violet, Sweet violet, English violet, Common violet, Florist’s violet or Garden violet. Botanical Name Viola odorata Scientific Classification Kingdom…
Golden Scalycap / Spring / Autumn / Inedible Welcome to an exploration of nature’s intricate beauty as we uncover the distinctive characteristics and identification features of the inedible Golden Scalycap (Pholiota adiposa). Join us on a journey where observation and knowledge intersect. With its striking golden-brown caps and intricate scales,…
Horse Chestnut / All year round / Toxic The ‘nuts’ or ‘conkers’ of Horse Chestnut are a common and familiar sight in autumn, the tree was introduced to the UK from Turkey in the 16th century. Common Names      Horse Chestnut, Conker tree, Buckeye. Botanical Name Aesculus hippocastanum Scientific Classification Kingdom…
False Morel / Spring / Toxic Enter a realm of danger as we unveil the sinister truth about the False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta), a mushroom that demands utmost caution. Join us on a journey where deception and toxicity intertwine. With its intricate brain-like appearance and earthy allure, the False Morel…
Wild Strawberry / Spring / Summer / Edible A common sight in woodlands and parks. It’s a native perennial plant that’s really easy to identify. Common Names Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry, European strawberry. Botanical Name Fragaria vesca Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales Family…
Japanese Quince/ All Year Round / Edible Japanese Quince is a non-native, thorny deciduous shrub. Up to 2 metres tall. Common Names Japanese Quince, Maule’s Quince, Northern Lemon, Flowering Quince Botanical Name Chaenomeles Japonica Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales Family – Rosaceae Physical Characteristics for Japanese Quince…