MAHONIA / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / WINTER / EDIBLE COMMON NAMES Oregon Grape, holly leaved barberry BOTANICAL NAME Mahonia Aquifolium PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root –Â Not of interest. Stems/Bark – Brown, grey, corky texture. Leaves – Pinnate leaves up to 30cm long, each leaf is made up of spiny…
Tag: summer
Cows Parsley / Spring / Summer / Edible Common names Cows Parsley/ Wild Chervil Botanical Name Anthriscus Sylvestris Video Known Hazards Misidentification with poison hemlock which is harmful to mammals. Could be confused with There’s a couple of deadly toxic plants within this family and as you begin…
Three Cornered Leek/ Spring / Summer/ Edible Three corner leek is a heavily invasive member of the allium family which has a chive and leek flavour and can be used in any recipe calling for either of these ingredients. Common Names Three-cornered leek/ Snowbell Botanical Name Allium triquetrum Known Hazards…
Poison Hemlock / Spring / Summer / Deadly  Poison Hemlock is one the most deadly plants found growing in the UK and if you forage for anything at all you should definitely invest time in learning how to safely identify this one. It can grow in quite staggering numbers…
Broadleaf Plantain / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Scientific Name Plantago major Family Plantaginaceae Also known as White man’s footprint Habitat Found in Europe, including Britain, from Iceland south and east to Spain, northern and central Asia. Grassland, roadsides etc, a common weed of lawns and cultivated ground,…
Clovers / Edible / Spring / Summer Common Name: Clover Latin Name: trefoil spp Season: March – August (Spring/Summer) Could be Confused with: Could be confused with Wood Sorrel or other Clovers, i.e. white confused for red clover when not in flower, the only thing to be mainly wary…
Chicken Of The Woods / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to the fascinating world of the Chicken of the Woods mushroom, a highly sought-after and delectable edible fungus that has captivated foragers and mycophiles alike. This striking mushroom is known for its vibrant coloration and unique texture, which has…
Jelly Ear Mushroom/ All Year Round/ Edible  Jelly Ear Mushrooms are a delightful edible mushroom and although they can be found all year, early spring is when they’re most prolific. Common names Jelly Ears, Wood Ears Botanical name Auricularia auricula-judae Season All year Jelly Ear Mushroom Foraging Video Meaning…
Sea Buckthorn / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible How to Identify Sea Buckthorn Common Names Sea Buckthorn, Buckthorn, Tang Bush, Sea Berry. Botanical Name Hippophae Rhamnoides Meaning of Botanical Name The Latin Hippo meaning horse and phaos meaning to shine has been given to sea buckthorn as it…
Sea Beet / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible How to Identify Sea Beet Botanical Name Beta vulgaris maritima Could be confused with Possibly confused with Sea Kale although sea kale leaves are very wavy, more of a green / yellow and are really quite different when…