Tag: winter

Wintercress / Spring / Winter / Edible Wintercress is a biennial member of the Cabbage family, it’s not overly common but it’s a great plant to find over winter when other greens have disappeared. Common Names Wintercress, Winter cress, Yellow rocket, Herb Barbara, Rocketcress, Winter rocket, Wound rocket Botanical Name…

Juniper / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Name Juniper Botanical Name Juniperus communis Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Cupressales Family – Cupressaceae Genus – Juniperus Known Hazards Oil from the related Juniperus sabina is said to be abortifacient; there is no evidence that eating berries…

Noble Fir / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Name  Noble Fir Botanical Name Abies procera Meaning of Botanical Name  Abies is derived from the Latin ‘rising one’, and refers to the height of Firs.  It was usually used to describe tall trees or ships and…

Ivy Leaved Toadflax / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Ivy Leaved Toadflax is a small trailing plant with creeping stems. Native to the Mediterranean but naturalized across the whole of Europe. It is believed that it arrived in the UK with imported marble sculptures from Italy.…

Wild Parsnip / Spring / Summer / Winter   Wild Parsnip could look like quite a few of the umbelifer (carrot family) species and some are deadly toxic so great care should be taken. Common names Wild Parsnip Botanical Name  Pastinaca sativa Meaning of Botanical Name  The genus Pastinaca means…