Sea Mallow / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Sea Mallow, is a common coastal perennial with distinctive features. Native to coastal regions, it’s often grown as an ornamental inland and is loved by pollinators. Common Names Sea Mallow, Tree Mallow Botanical Name Malva arborea Scientific Classification Kingdom –…
Category: autumn

Welcome to the captivating realm of foraging amidst the pristine landscapes of England’s Lake District, yes today we’re foraging in the Lake District! Enveloped by nature’s serenity, this picturesque region not only dazzles the eye but also harbours an array of edible plants and wildlife waiting to be discovered. In…

Through this guide, we’re going to take a deep dive into Mushroom Gills & some other spore-producing surfaces found on mushrooms. As a passionate forager, there’s nothing quite as exhilarating as discovering a hidden treasure in the form of a wild mushroom. These fascinating organisms come in a myriad of…

Lichens are fascinating symbiotic associations between a fungus (mycobiont) and a green alga or cyanobacterium (photobiont). Through this blog post we’re going to be looking at lichens as food. This relationship can range from mutualism to controlled parasitism. Although the Fungal element of the Lichen does no obvious harm to…

Are you ready for an adventure Foraging Mushrooms? Imagine wandering through lush forests, eyes keenly scanning the forest floor for nature’s hidden treasures. Mushroom foraging is not only a thrilling hobby but also a way to connect with nature and discover the bounties it has to offer. In this comprehensive…

Saxifrage / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible There is a couple of types of Saxifrage, they all tend to grow in woodlands and provide good foraging through all season. Typically slightly dry but a nice addition to most dishes. Common Names Alternate-leaved Saxifrage Golden Saxifrage Botanical…