Category: Plant identification

White Melilot / Spring / Summer / Edible White melilot can often be found growing on disturbed ground and can have a flavour somewhere between peas and vanilla. Common Names Sweet Clover, Hart’s Tree, Kings Clover, Lucerne. Botanical Name Melilotus albus  Meaning of Botanical Name Melilotus means honey lotus, from…

Juniper / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Name Juniper Botanical Name Juniperus communis Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Cupressales Family – Cupressaceae Genus – Juniperus Known Hazards Oil from the related Juniperus sabina is said to be abortifacient; there is no evidence that eating berries…

Noble Fir / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Name  Noble Fir Botanical Name Abies procera Meaning of Botanical Name  Abies is derived from the Latin ‘rising one’, and refers to the height of Firs.  It was usually used to describe tall trees or ships and…

Bamboo / Spring / Edible Surprisingly bamboo can be found naturalised in the UK, it won’t grow as large as other bamboos due to our climate but can still be used. Common Name Broad-leaved  or Arrow  are the two most frequently found naturalized in the UK. Broad-leaved Bamboo Arrow Bamboo…