Category: Plants

Medlar / Autumn / Winter / Edible Medlar are something that isn’t often eaten in the UK, it requires picking and letting to slightly ferment to produce a really nice caramel like fruit. Common Names Medlar, Common Medlar Botanical Name Mespilus germanica Scientific Clasification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales…

Sycamore / Spring / Edible Sycamore is a large deciduous, broad-leaved tree, it is native to Central Europe and Western Asia and is thought to have been introduced to the UK in the 1500’s. Common Names Sycamore, Sycamore maple Botanical Name Acer pseudoplatanus    Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –…

Hops / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible An attractive climbing plant of hedgerows, well known in brewing for its aroma, bitterness and antibacterial properties Common Names Hop, common Hop Botanical Name Humulus lupulus Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Rosales Family – Cannabaceae Physical Characteristics of Hops Perennial…

In the 1990’s a highly pathogenic ascomycete fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus or ash dieback and The Impact on Our Native Ash Population arrived in Europe from East Asia. Ascomycete are known as sac fungi, because they produce their spores inside sacs.  They form the largest phylum of fungi, with over…

Doesn’t just the very sound of Wild fermented fizzy drinks fill you with abandon?  No stacked corn syrup or artificial flavours here.  Just fresh wild flavours straight from Mother Earth herself.  Wild fizzy drinks are made through a simple fermentation process.  You simply make a juice or infusion, add yeast to it,…