Daisy / All Year Round / Edible An abundant, perennial, wild edible that all of us are familiar with, if only from making ‘daisy bracelets’ as a child. They can be found almost anywhere on any soil type. Common Names Daisy, Common Daisy, Lawn Daisy, English daisy, Bruisewort, Gardeners’ Friend…
Pink Purslane / All Year Round / Edible A common non-native plant. It has a earthy almost beetroot like flavour and can be eaten raw or cooked. Other Common Names Winter Purslane, Siberian Spring Beauty Botanical Name Claytonia sibirica Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Caryophyllales Family – Montiaceae…
Lilac Bonnet / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Step into the realm of caution as we unveil the mysterious Lilac Bonnet (Mycena pura), a mushroom that demands respect for its toxic nature. Join us on a journey of awareness and safety as we delve into the risks associated with this…
Rosy Bonnet / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Scientific Name Mycena rosea Common Names Rosy hat, Rosy Bell cap Family Mycenaceae Habitat They are saprotrophic, living off dead matter, they are mostly found in mixed or coniferous woodlands, on acidic soils. Description Less common than the very closely related Lilac…
Wild Mustards / Spring / Summer / Edible Wild Mustard can come in many shapes and sizes, there are a couple of different kinds but they all share similar characteristics. You get to a point where you walk past something and say to yourself “well I don’t know exactly what…
Heather / All Year / Edible Common Names Heather/Ling Heather/Scotch Heather Latin Name: Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix, E. caerulea – Ericaceae Harvest Season: Best to collect fresh, young (not too woody) flowering tops (leaves and flowers) when the flowers have just bloomed – usually July – October, depending on the…
Mallow / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible A common hedgerow plant. It can be found in many areas of the world. It’s non-native to the UK and was most likely introduced by the Romans. Common Names Mallow, Round Dock, Common Mallow, High Mallow, Cheeses, Custard cheeses, Fairy cheeses,…
Lily of the Valley / Spring / Summer / Toxic A sweetly scented woodland plant. All parts are highly poisonous to humans. It’s not too common in the wild and is mostly found planted in parks and gardens Common Names Lily of the Valley, May bells, Mary’s tears, Our Ladies…
Buttercups / All Year round / Toxic There are many types of Buttercups, three species are very common in the UK they can all be thought of as the same and they are all toxic. Common Names Buttercups, Creeping crazy, Devil’s guts, Lantern leaves, and Tangle-grass. Botanical Name Ranunculus species…
Fools Parsley / Spring / Summer / Toxic A toxic member of the carrot family, it’s closely related to Hemlock (Conium maculatum) but is not as poisonous. Common Names Fools Parsley, Fool’s Cicely, or Poison Parsley Botanical Name Aethusa cynapium Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Apiales Family –…