
Redcurrant / Summer / Edible Redcurrant is an easy to identify member of the Gooseberry family with edible fruits. Common Names Redcurrant, Red currant Botanical Name Ribes rubrum Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Saxifragales Family – Grossulariaceae Physical Characteristics for Redcurrant Leaves The leaves are palmate, with 3-5…

Guelder Rose / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Cramp bark tree, Crampbush Botantical Name Viburnum opulus Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Dipsacales  Family – Adoxaceae Physical Characteristics of Guelder Rose A woody perennial shrub that can grow to 4m in height. Leaves The leaves, 5–10cm long, grow…

foraging and herbal medicine go hand in glove. Herbal remedies are easily produced at home because they involve extracting and/or preserving plant material using age-old processes like macerating in vinegar, oil or alcohol, preserved by drying or using a potent source of sugar or salt, or fermenting into a condiment…