Tag: Sweet Cicely

Sweet Cicely & Moroccan Lamb Recipe Will make 6 well stuffed pittas to serve 6 people or 4 really hungry people Ingredients For the Marinade: 400g lamb chops 50g salted butter – melted 2 tsp ground cumin, coriander and paprika 12 wild garlic stalks – finely chopped (or 3 garlic…

Sweet Cicely and Marrow Fat Bean Recipe This side dish is nice to enjoy with a fish dish or served straight on to a nice toasted and oiled piece of ciabatta, even simply tossed through some pasta is also nice – lots of ways to use this! Will make a…

Sweet Cicely / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Sweet Cicely, cicely, myrrh, garden myrrh, sweet chervil Botanical Name Myrrhis Odorata Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Apiales  Family – Apiaceae Physical Characteristics of Sweet Cicely Sweet cicely is a perennial growing to 1m high and 1m…