Tag: winter

Medlar / Autumn / Winter / Edible Medlar are something that isn’t often eaten in the UK, it requires picking and letting to slightly ferment to produce a really nice caramel like fruit. Common Names Medlar, Common Medlar Botanical Name Mespilus germanica Scientific Clasification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales…

The Milkcap Family Through this guide we’re going to take a look at the milkcap mushrooms, how to general identify the family as well as some of the most common ones we’ll find when out foraging. We’ll also be looking at some of our absolute favourite milkcaps for eating and…

This Sorrel and Raisin Walnut Tart recipe utilises the sharp flavour of sorrel and creates something beautiful. With a sharp citrus flavour, which many people describe as a green apple flavour, this little green leafy plant was traditionally used to add sharpness to dishes, before we had access to lemons. …