Wood Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Wood Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Probably one of the most common large woodland mushrooms in the UK. Scientific Name Agaricus silvaticus Common Names Wood Mushroom, Scaly Wood mushroom, Blushing Wood mushroom, or Pinewood mushroom.…
Category: Mushrooms

Pavement Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Pavement Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Not overly common in the UK but where they do occur they can sometimes be found in large quantities. Scientific Name Agaricus bitorquis Common Names Pavement Mushroom, Banded Agaric,…

Giant Funnel / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to a world of culinary marvels as we celebrate the delightful flavors of the Giant Funnel (Leucopaxillus giganteus). Join us on a journey where gastronomy meets grandeur. With its imposing size and distinctive funnel shape, the Giant Funnel stands as a…

Shaggy Inkcap / Autumn / Edible Scientific name Coprinus comatus Family Agaricaceae Habitat Grassland, lawns, verges often in large numbers Description Magpie inkcaps are bell shaped white floccose mushrooms with a long white stem. Identifying features: Cap: White cap with white fibrils, starting off egg shaped, becoming long bell shaped. The…

King Alfred Cakes / All Year Round / Inedible Enter the realm of nature’s charred artistry as we appreciate the unique presence of the King Alfred Cakes (Daldinia concentrica). Join us on a journey where curiosity meets knowledge. With its distinctive black, coal-like appearance and concentric rings, the King Alfred…

False Death Cap / Summer / Autumn / Edible Scientific Name Amanita Citrina Common Names False Death Cap, False Deathcap Family Amanitaceae Habitat They are mycorrhizal and form relationships with deciduous and coniferous trees, but I find them most often near beech. Description A member of the Amanita family that…

Sheathed Woodtuft / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Scientific Name Kuehneromyces Mutabilis Common Names Sheathed Woodtuft, Brown Stew Fungus and Two-toned Pholiota. Family Strophariaceae Habitat They are saprobic, feeding on dead wood, logs and stumps, most often birch. They typically grow in large clumps. They sometimes…

Grey Spotted Amanita / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to an exploration of nature’s beauty and the culinary delights of the Grey Spotted Amanita (Amanita excelsa). Join us on a journey where caution and knowledge intersect. With its captivating grey cap and distinct spots, the Grey Spotted Amanita presents…

Orange Grisette / Summer / Autumn / Edible Orange Grisette is an edible member of the Amanita family, they can easily be confused with toxic species. Not for beginners! Scientific Name Amanita Crocea Common Names Orange Grisette, Orange Ringless Amanita Family Amanitaceae Habitat They are mycorrhizal with quite a few…