Category: Plants

These steamed Hogweed Stems are a super simple and quick way to utilise your wild foraged hogweeds stems. Often the simple recipes that use little ingredients are the best and this is definitely one of them. This is the simplest, most delicate and enjoyable ways to eat hogweed stems. It…

This Rose Hip & Flower Salad is a brilliant little salad for cleansing the palette and a way of using rose hips that you wouldn’t first think of. Per person Click here to see our Rose Hip Foraging Guide Ingredients for our Rose Hip & Flower Salad 2 Rose hips,…

This Rose hip Ketchup Recipe is one of my favourites from a mad year on ketchups and decided that this rose hip ketchup recipe was my favourite, however this can also be done with hawthorn berries as well. The ketchup contains all the 5 flavours you expect from a classic…

These Rose Hip Ice Lollies are a brilliant way to get children enjoying Ros hips on these hot late summer days. Japanese/Dog Rose (Rosa Canina/Rugosa) This is a deciduous shrub growing from 1-5ms tall. The plants numerous stems are woody and strong, containing thorns and prickles all over. The leaves…

Rosehips can be used as a substitute for many things, from tomatoes all the way to peaches, in this Rose Hip Bellini recipe we use it as a substitute for peaches in a classic bellini. It’s super quick and super simple to make and is a fantastic summer tipple.. Click…

This Rose hip & beetroot soup recipe is perfect for the darker days to come and will warm you through. It almost has the flavour of a tomato and beetroot soup and is super high in vitamin C. Serves 3 Click here to see our Rose Hip Foraging Guide Ingredients:…

This is what I did with those green Scots Pine cones I collected a few weeks ago, we’re making Chocolate Green Pine Cones. We don’t often think about using any other part of pine apart from pine nuts, however, when we’re foraging (especially in the UK) finding pine cones that…

There’s a lot of different wild cocktails you could make – in fact you could write a book on it – however, this Spruce Margarita Recipe is one of my favourites. The savoury notes of a margs just suit wild ingredients perfectly. The Fresh spruce shoots are looking best around…