Ox Eye Daisy / Spring / Summer / Edible A fairly common and easy to identify plant with edible leaves and flowers. Common Names Ox Eye Daisy, Dog daisy, Marguerite. Botanical Name Leucanthemum vulgare Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Asterales Family – Asteraceae Physical Characteristics for Ox Eye…
Category: spring

Wood Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Wood Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Probably one of the most common large woodland mushrooms in the UK. Scientific Name Agaricus silvaticus Common Names Wood Mushroom, Scaly Wood mushroom, Blushing Wood mushroom, or Pinewood mushroom.…

Pavement Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Pavement Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Not overly common in the UK but where they do occur they can sometimes be found in large quantities. Scientific Name Agaricus bitorquis Common Names Pavement Mushroom, Banded Agaric,…

King Alfred Cakes / All Year Round / Inedible Enter the realm of nature’s charred artistry as we appreciate the unique presence of the King Alfred Cakes (Daldinia concentrica). Join us on a journey where curiosity meets knowledge. With its distinctive black, coal-like appearance and concentric rings, the King Alfred…

Sea Aster / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Name Sea Aster Botanical Name Aster tripolium Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Asterales Family – Asteraceae Physical Characteristics of Sea Aster Perennial (although often not for many years) herb that usually grows to about 50cm tall Leaves With…

Scurvy Grass / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Name: Common Scurvy Grass, Danish Scurvy Grass, English Scurvy Grass Botanical Name Cochlearia officinalis Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Rosales Family – Rosaceae Physical Characteristics for Scurvy Grass There is a scurvy grass for most of…

Charlock Mustard / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Charlock Mustard, field mustard, wild mustard, charlock Botanical Name Sinapis arvensis Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Brassicales Family – Brassicaceae Physical Characteristics for Mustard Charlock Leaves The leaves are long, with varying degrees of invagination along the…

Glistening Inkcap / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to a world of delicate culinary delights as we celebrate the captivating flavors of the Glistening Inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus). Join us on a journey where gastronomy meets elegance. With its distinctive appearance, featuring glistening caps and slender stems, the…

Common Inkcap / All Year Round / Toxic Enter the intriguing realm of the Common Inkcap, scientifically known as Coprinopsis Atramentaria, as we uncover the fascinating yet cautionary qualities of this mushroom. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the unique characteristics and toxic nature of…

Horse’s Hoof Fungus/ All Year Round / Inedible Enter a realm of natural resilience as we explore the intriguing features and uses of the inedible Horsehoof Fungus (Fomes fomentarius). Join us on a journey where functionality and artistic allure intersect. With its distinctive hoof-shaped appearance and tough, woody texture, the…