Wild Carrot / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Wild Carrot, Queen Anne’s Lace, Birds nest. Botanical name Daucus Carota Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Apilaes Family – Apiaceae Physical Characteristics for Wild Carrot Leaves The leaves are tri-pinnate, finely divided, lacy and triangular in shape. The…

Horseradish / All Year / Edible Common Names Horseradish, Wild Horseradish Botanical Name Armoracia Rusticana Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Brassicales Family – Brassicaceae Physical Characteristics for Horseradish Wild Horseradish looks most similar to dock and the easiest time of the year to identify between the two is in…

DOG’S MERCURY / SPRING / SUMMER / DEADLY COMMON NAMES Dog’s Mercury, Dog’s Cole BOTANICAL NAME Mercurialis Perennis PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root – Unknown. Stems – Single rounded stems with leaves growing in pairs at intervals up the stem. Leaves – Green, single leaves, lanceolate in shape which are serrated. Flowers…

WILD RASPBERRY / SUMMER / AUTUNM / EDIBLE COMMON NAMES Raspberry, hindberry. BOTANICAL NAME Rubus Idaeus PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root – Unknown. Stems – In their first year the stems or canes have just leaves but from then on this stem produces leaves and flowers. The canes have small reddish thorns…

Common Lime / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Common lime, European Lime, Linden. Botanical Name Tilia x Europaea Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Malvales Family – Malvaceae Physical Characteristics for Lime Stems/Bark Young trees have grey/brown smooth bark which becomes more gnarled over time. Suckers…

GORSE / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / WINTER / EDIBLE / DEADLY COMMON NAMES Gorse, Prickly broom, furze BOTANICAL NAME Ulex Europaeus PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root – Unknown. Stems/Bark – Green stems with the shoots and leaves modified into spikes. Leaves – It’s leaves are long, sharp and spiky. Flowers –…

Mugwort / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Mugwort is a really interesting plant that has a boundless number of historical and ritual-based uses, on top of that is a potent flavoured herb with many uses within the kitchen. Common Names Mugwort, Sailors Tobacco, Wild Wormwood. Botanical Name Artemisia…

Flowering Currant / Spring / Summer / Edible Common Names Flowering Currant Botanical Name Ribes sanguineum Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Saxifragales Family – Grossulariaceae Physical Characteristics for Flowering Currant Leaves It has palmately lobed leaves that give off a sweet herbal aroma when crushed. Flowers The flowers…