Tag: drink

This Elderflower lemonade has A zesty flavour that will cleanse your palette, refresh and hydrate your body and a hot summers day, perfect at a BBQ or when you have friends over. Click here to see our elder foraging guide Ingredients per 1ltr or Elderflower Lemonade: 50g Caster Sugar 2…

This Elderflower Champagne Recipe is by far my favourite sparkling version of a wild wine you can make, I currently make 25ltrs of this stuff every year, and it barely lasts for half of the year. It goes down well at every occasions from a dinner party to an afternoon…

This cherry whiskey recipe is a brilliant way to use up a glut of wild cherries. Some fruits favour gin, others vodka, but cherries definitely favour whiskey. The earthy malty flavours of whiskey both heighten and are heighten with the addition of cherries, combining to make a smooth liquor that…