This Elderflower Champagne Recipe is by far my favourite sparkling version of a wild wine you can make, I currently make 25ltrs of this stuff every year, and it barely lasts for half of the year. It goes down well at every occasions from a dinner party to an afternoon…
Tag: elder flower

Elder / Summer / Autumn / Edible Elder and Elder flowers are one of the most well-known wild flavours in the UK and they can be found in abundance throughout the hedgerows. Botanical Name Sambucus Nigra Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Dipsacales Family – Adoxaceae Physical Characteristics Elder is…

This Elderflower Cheesecake recipe is a fantastic way to enjoy the seasons most fine elderflowers with a refreshing floral and intense musky flavour that will finish off any meal perfectly. Click here to see our Elder Foraging Guide Ingredients for this Elderflower Cheesecake Recipe: 1 x Pack of Digestives –…