Tag: oak

foraging in september hawthorn berries

Foraging in September is brilliant, September marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, it’s the month for berries, nuts and seeds. The wetter weather also marks the beginning of ‘mushroom season’ and you’ll see fungi springing up almost everywhere you look. So what can you forage in…

English Oak  / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Names Oak, English oak, pedunculate oak Botanical Name Quercus robur Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Fagales  Family – Fagaceae Physical Characteristics for Oak A large deciduous tree, growing up to 30-40 metres when fully grown,…

To be honest I’ve always avoided making Acorn flour as it really sounds like a very long laborious task that results in a nutty flavoured flour. That’s until I found out you could do it all in one day – probably an hour if you ran to your local oak…

Acorn Flour Banana Bread This is a really nice way to get some use out of the very common Acorn and use up some of those bananas that you had forgotten all about. With this Banana bread made with acorn flour!  Ingredients 1 cup of leached acorn flour  2 cups…

  Dandelion Root Coffee Acorn Coffee Sticky Weed Seed Coffee Coffee itself is fairly unique, 400 billion cups of coffee drink on average per year around the world which is set to increase as more cultures join the coffee bandwagon and America’s influence over the world increases. England alone has…