Lesser Stitchwort / Spring / Summer / Edible Lesser Stitchwort, is a common, native wildflower. It belongs to the Carnation or Caryophyllaceae family and as this plant is one of the first to flower in the year, seeing it gets me excited about the coming warmer months. Common Names Lesser…
Tag: spring

Salsify / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Salsify is a true culinary delight, it’s a root vegetable with quite distinctive characteristics and is known for its delicate oyster-like flavour. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a species that originated in the Mediterranean but it has historical…

Sea Mallow / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Sea Mallow, is a common coastal perennial with distinctive features. Native to coastal regions, it’s often grown as an ornamental inland and is loved by pollinators. Common Names Sea Mallow, Tree Mallow Botanical Name Malva arborea Scientific Classification Kingdom –…

Wintercress / Spring / Winter / Edible Wintercress is a biennial member of the Cabbage family, it’s not overly common but it’s a great plant to find over winter when other greens have disappeared. Common Names Wintercress, Winter cress, Yellow rocket, Herb Barbara, Rocketcress, Winter rocket, Wound rocket Botanical Name…

Saxifrage / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible There is a couple of types of Saxifrage, they all tend to grow in woodlands and provide good foraging through all season. Typically slightly dry but a nice addition to most dishes. Common Names Alternate-leaved Saxifrage Golden Saxifrage Botanical…