Tag: toxic

True Chanterelles or False Chanterelles – it’s a question we might find asking ourselves when we’re out foraging for Chanterelles, to help you forage for the right thing we’ve put together a full piece outlining the key differences between the two.   At first glance, it’s easy enough to see…

Ragwort / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Ragworts (Senecio species) are very common throughout the UK, the most common variety in the UK is Jacobaea vulgaris but they are all toxic. Common Names Ragwort, Common ragwort, Stinking Willy, Tansy ragwort, St. James-wort, Stinking nanny, Staggerwort, Cankerwort, Stammerwort. Botanical…

Toxic plants and fungi When we think about poisonous plants and fungi what do we mean? A toxic plant is often defined as ‘a plant that when touched or ingested in sufficient quantity can be harmful or fatal to an organism or any plant capable of evoking a toxic and/or…