Wood Blewit / Autumn / Edible  Welcome to a world of culinary delight as we celebrate the savory treasures of the Wood Blewit (Lepista nuda). Join us on a journey where gastronomy meets indulgence. With its captivating lilac cap and delicate gills, the Wood Blewit stands as a true…
Category: autumn

Violet Webcap / Summer / Autumn / Inedible Enter the realm of caution as we unveil the hidden dangers of the Violet Webcap (Cortinarius violaceus), a mushroom that demands respect for its inedibility and potential toxicity, it is referenced as edible at some sources but is worth serious caution due…

Olive Oysterling / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Not Edible Olive Oysterling Identification guide. Everything you need to safely identify this mushroom from it’s toxic lookalikes. Common Names: Olive like oysterling Botanical Name: Sarcomyxa Serotina Meaning of Botanical Name: Sarcomyxa meaning slimy flesh, serotina meaning late, referring to it…

 Birch Polypore / All Year / Medicinal / Edible Step into the realm of natural medicine and discover the remarkable healing properties of Birch Polypore, scientifically known as Piptoporus betulina. In this blog post, we embark on a journey into the world of this unique mushroom, revered for centuries for…

English Oak / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Names Oak, English Oak, Pedunculate Oak Botanical Name Quercus robur Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Fagales Family – Fagaceae Physical Characteristics for Oak A large deciduous tree, growing up to 30-40 metres when fully grown,…

Amethyst Deceiver / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to our captivating blog post on identifying and foraging the Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina), a delightful and eye-catching mushroom that adds a touch of vibrant color to your wild edible harvests. This small yet stunning fungus, easily recognized by its striking…

Broadleaf Plantain / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Broadleaf plantain, Waybread, White man’s footprint Botanical Name Plantago major Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Lamiales Family – Plantaginaceae Physical Characteristics for Broadleaf plantain The plant is a rosette-forming perennial herb, with leafless, silky, hairy flower stems.…

Giant / Blackening Polypore / Summer/ Autumn / Edible Step into the realm of awe-inspiring culinary treasures as we embark on an exploration of the Edible Giant Polypore Mushroom (Meripilus giganteus). Join us on a journey where gastronomy meets magnificence. With its impressive size and distinctive fan-like structure, the Giant…