Ox Eye Daisy / Spring / Summer / Edible A fairly common and easy to identify plant with edible leaves and flowers. Common Names Ox Eye Daisy, Dog daisy, Marguerite. Botanical Name Leucanthemum vulgare Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Asterales Family – Asteraceae Physical Characteristics for Ox Eye…

White Fibrecap / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Scientific Name Inocybe Geophylla Common Names White Fibrecap, White Fibre Cap, Earthy Inocybe, Common White Inocybe Family Inocybaceae Habitat They are mycorrhizal and are most often found beneath deciduous trees, occasionally near conifers. Description A fairly common and potentially deadly mushroom. They…

Wood Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Wood Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Probably one of the most common large woodland mushrooms in the UK. Scientific Name Agaricus silvaticus Common Names Wood Mushroom, Scaly Wood mushroom, Blushing Wood mushroom, or Pinewood mushroom.…

Pavement Mushroom / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible The Pavement Mushroom is an edible member of the Agaric family. Not overly common in the UK but where they do occur they can sometimes be found in large quantities. Scientific Name Agaricus bitorquis Common Names Pavement Mushroom, Banded Agaric,…

Giant Funnel / Summer / Autumn / Edible Welcome to a world of culinary marvels as we celebrate the delightful flavors of the Giant Funnel (Leucopaxillus giganteus). Join us on a journey where gastronomy meets grandeur. With its imposing size and distinctive funnel shape, the Giant Funnel stands as a…

Foxgloves / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Foxgloves are a very common Summer flowering native plant. It’s potentially deadly poisonous so one every forager should be familiar with. Common Names Foxgloves, Foxes gloves, thimble flower, fairy gloves. Botanical Name Digitalis. There are quite a few Digitalis species the…

Shaggy Inkcap / Autumn / Edible Scientific name Coprinus comatus Family Agaricaceae Habitat Grassland, lawns, verges often in large numbers Description Magpie inkcaps are bell shaped white floccose mushrooms with a long white stem. Identifying features: Cap: White cap with white fibrils, starting off egg shaped, becoming long bell shaped. The…
Job description We’re looking for an individual to join the Totally Wild Team, We’re a unique group of foragers running events and harvesting the UK’s finest wild ingredients from seaweeds to wild mushrooms and everything in between. * The person selected will assist in the day-to-day administration roles here at…