Tag: Hawthorn

Come along on a delightful springtime foraging adventure in the enchanting South West England! Get ready to explore the bountiful landscapes, uncover hidden treasures, and embark on a culinary journey like no other. In this article, we will delve into the world of foraging, discovering where to find these natural…

We’re Foraging in March, the weather is slowly warming up and flowers are starting to bloom but the weather can vary across the country and further north there’s still a risk of snow. The Anglo-Saxon name for the month was Hlyd monath meaning stormy month. If the weather is terrible…

Through this piece we’ll be taking a deep dive into the Health benefits of Foraging. The recent increase in the popularity of homeopathic medicine and herbalism as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicine reflects the appreciation that wild plants have excellent medicinal properties.  As a forager, I’m not qualified to recommend…

This isn’t a question often asked but there is the instance from time to time that I think – Can I eat this Tree? Trees provide us with all sorts of environmental services – as well as just looking nice and making us feel good they can also act as…

Foraging in September is brilliant, September marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, it’s the month for berries, nuts and seeds. The wetter weather also marks the beginning of ‘mushroom season’ and you’ll see fungi springing up almost everywhere you look. So what can you forage in…

Mayday traditionally marks the beginning of summer and May can often be one of the warmest and driest months of the year, foraging in may can be fruitful. Spring greens are still out in force and the warmer weather means the next wave of edibles is just beginning. So what…

This Mixed Wild Bean Salad is a lovely recipe for getting a vast range of wild ingredients into a wholesome filling salad. It can be served as the main show with a little cheese or grilled meats in or as a fantastic side dish in a mezze or BBQ or…

Through this guide we’re going to look at the incredible way of preserving flowers by Crystalising Edible flowers Edible flowers are Such a beautiful, nutritious and waste-free way to add vibrant colour to your recipes. In theory you can use any edible flower for this purpose, even wild garlic flowers…

I used a classic buttery biscuit recipe and added dried lavender to make these Blackberry Biscuits. Welcome to our delectable recipe guide for mouth-watering Blackberry Biscuits! These scrumptious treats are the perfect blend of sweet, tangy blackberries and tender, flaky biscuit dough that will have you and your loved ones…

recipe from Forager Sam @foragersam Hawthorne flowers provide a very surprising and incredible flavour reminiscent of almonds – making them the perfect thing to turn in to a Bakewell tart 🙂 and this is a perfect recipe from Sam – once you’ve made the syrup as well you can store…