Tag: lime

Foraging in April, it’s one of my favourite months to forage, the warming temperatures make everything burst to life. It’s the month for fresh spring greens and herbs but there are also a few gourmet mushrooms too. So what can you forage in April? Here are our top five picks…

This Linden Blossom Jam recipe is a fantastic way to create a preserve out of a super seasonal ingredient which we can use over the rest of the year. Collect your blossoms/plant material the day before you want to make the preserve. If using blossoms place in a jug, the…

These Linden Blossom Empire Biscuits is a lovely way to utilise this super season honey flavoured blossom. The Linden or Lime tree, spread across much of Europe, at the end of the last ice age, around 8000 BC. In fact, it was the dominant broad leaved species across much of…

Common Lime / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Common lime, European Lime, Linden. Botanical Name Tilia x Europaea Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Malvales Family – Malvaceae Physical Characteristics for Lime  Stems/Bark Young trees have grey/brown smooth bark which becomes more gnarled over time. Suckers…