Comfrey / spring / summer / autumn / Edible Scientific Name Symphytum officinale Family Boraginaceae Also known as True comfrey. Other English names include Quaker comfrey, cultivated comfrey, boneset, knitbone, consound, and slippery-root. Habitat It is native to Europe and it is known elsewhere, including North America, as an…
Tag: spring
Cleavers / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Everything you need to safely identify the edible and medicinal Cleavers or Sticky Weed (Gallium Aparine) before heading out to forage some. Scientific Name Gallium aparine Family Rubiaceae Also known as Clivers, “bort”, bedstraw, goosegrass, catchweed, stickyweed, stickybud, robin-run-the-hedge, sticky willy,…
Primrose / Spring / Edible Primrose is one of the first plants to produce edible wild flowers in spring, our favourite thing is to use them as a garnish or to crystalise them for future use. Common names Primrose, Common Primrose, Wild Primrose, English Primrose Botanical name Primula vulgaris Meaning…
Wood Avens, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Edible Wood Avens are one of those plants we walk over and past every time we go through a woodland, it’s amazing to learn the roots taste like cloves. Uncertain Could be confused with Water Avens (Geum rivale), and wild strawberries (Fragaria), but the…
Garlic Mustard / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Garlic Mustard, Hedge Garlic or Jack by the Hedge, whatever you call it, this edible wild green is a spicy mustard and garlic delight! Common names Hedge garlic, Jack-by-the-Hedge, Garlic Mustard, Poor Man’s Mustard, Garlic Root, Penny Hedge, Sauce Alone…
Pineapple Weed / Spring / Summer / Edible Pineapple Weed is one of those plants that grows in the most obscure places from cracks in the pavements to walls. However, it tastes like pineapple – how incredible. Common names Pineapple Weed, Wild Chamomile, Disc Mayweed Botanical name Matricaria discoidea Meaning…
Chickweed / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible How to Identify Chickweed Common names Common Chickweed, Chickweed Botanical name Stellaria media Meaning of botanical name Stellaria means star-like, while media means in-the-middle or in between Known hazards Contains saponins, which can be poisonous in very large quantities.…
Common Sorrel / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible How to Identify Common Sorrel Botanical Name Rumex acetosa Known Hazards This plant contains Oxalic acid, similar to rhubarb, giving it its’ sour taste, if you ingest too much of this acid you can upset your stomach.…
Stinging Nettles / Spring/ Summer / Autumn/ Edible Stinging nettles are a plant that we’ve all been stung by at some point and, as such, have learned how to safely identify. Botanical Name Urtica dioica Known Hazards Stinging nettles are well known for the burning sensation they give if handled…
Hogweed / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Hogweed doesn’t sound like an edible plant, but it is and it’s one of my favourites! Botanical Name Heracleum Sphondylium Known Hazards A mild case of photo-phyto-dermatitis can be caused by touching the raw juice of this plant and,…