Wood Avens / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible
Wood Avens are one of those plants we walk over and past every time we go through a woodland, it’s amazing to learn the roots taste like cloves.
Common names
Wood Avens, Clove Root, Colewort, Herb Bennet, and St Benedict’s Herb
Botanical name
Geum urbanum
Scientific Classification
Kingdom – Plantae
Order –Rosales
Family – Rosaceae
Physical characteristics of Wood Avens
Strawberry-like leaves grow in a rosette close to the ground. The leaves gradually turn upwards and the pant produces a tall flower stalk.
The flowers are similar in appearance to those of the strawberry but are yellow in colour.
The roots, when crushed, smell similar to cloves
Found throughout Europe, the Middle East and North America it lives in woodland and garden lawns, particularly in the shade
Known Hazards
None known
Could be Confused with
Water Avens (Geum rivale), and wild strawberries (Fragaria), but the clove-like scent of the root differentiates from these
Edible Uses
The roots are used to flavour drinks, syrups, preserves and stews
They have the flavour of cloves and are quite a shock when you first try them as we’ve been walking over them all this time.
Notes on Herbal uses
Has been used to treat dog bites, liver disease, chest infections, gastric upsets, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, toothache, halitosis and heart disease.
If you have a medical complaint, please speak to your doctor
Extra notes from the Foragers
Geum is derived from the Greek word Geno, which means “pleasant fragrance”, while Urbanum means “of the city”
The roots were once used as a protective amulet against evil spirits, snakes and rabid dogs.