Category: autumn

 Deceivers / Summer / Autumn / Edible Deceivers, as their name describes, are an edible wild mushroom which grows with variations that can make it a little deceiving, sometimes it has a wavy cap edge, sometimes not, sometimes straight stems sometimes not, sometimes bright orange sometimes almost grey. Scientific Name…

The Milkcap Family Through this guide we’re going to take a look at the milkcap mushrooms, how to general identify the family as well as some of the most common ones we’ll find when out foraging. We’ll also be looking at some of our absolute favourite milkcaps for eating and…

Fleecy Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Inedible Through this Fleecy Milkcap (Lactifluus vellereus) Identification Guide, we’ll look at the keys to correctly identifying this species. Latin Name:  Lactifluus vellereus Family:  Russulaceae Habitat In deciduous woods, late summer to early winter. Description A large pale mushroom which exudes…

One of the most commonly asked questions, when we are running courses, is ‘Will we find any Truffles today?’ unfortunately my answer is almost always no, through this guide we’re going to look at An Introduction to Truffles in case you happen to be lucky enough to stumble across some…