Giant Hogweed / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Giant Hogweed is a non-native invasive member of the Carrot family. It’s classed as scarce in the UK but it can be very common in some areas, and is spreading. When fully grown they can reach up to 4.5 metres…

Japanese Quince/ All Year Round / Edible Japanese Quince is a non-native, thorny deciduous shrub, popular in gardens for its attractive flowers and fruit. it is generally quite compact but can grow up to 2 metres tall. Common Names Japanese Quince, Maule’s Quince, Northern Lemon, Flowering Quince Botanical Name Chaenomeles…

Pink Purslane / All Year Round / Edible A common non-native plant. It has a earthy almost beetroot like flavour and can be eaten raw or cooked. Common Names Winter Purslane, Siberian Spring Beauty Botanical Name Claytonia sibirica Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Caryophyllales Family – Montiaceae Physical…

Rosy Bonnet / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Scientific Name Mycena rosea Common Names Rosy hat, Rosy Bell cap Family Mycenaceae Habitat They are saprotrophic, living off dead matter, they are mostly found in mixed or coniferous woodlands, on acidic soils. Description Less common than the very closely related Lilac…

Heather / All Year / Edible Common Names Heather/Ling Heather/Scotch Heather Latin Name: Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix, E. caerulea – Ericaceae Harvest Season: Best to collect fresh, young (not too woody) flowering tops (leaves and flowers) when the flowers have just bloomed – usually July – October, depending on the…