Mahonia / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Names Mahonia, Oregon Grape, holly leaved barberry Botanical Name Mahonia Aquifolium Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Rununculaes Family – Berberidaceae Physical Characteristics for Mahonia Leaves Pinnate leaves up to 30cm long, each leaf is made up of…

HEMLOCK WATER DROPWORT / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / DEADLY COMMON NAMES Hemlock Water Dropwort BOTANICAL NAME Oenanthe Crocata SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Kingdom – Plantae Order – Apilaes Family – Apiaceae Genus – Oenanthe PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root – Large carrot like tubers growing in bunches. Stems – Hairless but grooved…

Cows Parsley / Spring / Summer / Edible Common names Cows Parsley, Wild Chervil, Mother die Botanical Name Anthriscus Sylvestris Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Apiales Family – Apiaceae Physical Characteristics Leaves Starting off as a rosette of long stems that are celery shaped with small hairs…

Three Cornered Leek/ Spring / Summer/ Edible Three corner leek is a heavily invasive member of the allium family which has a chive and leek flavour and can be used in any recipe calling for either of these ingredients. Common Names Three-cornered leek/ Snowbell Botanical Name Allium triquetrum Known Hazards…

Bluebells / Spring / Poisonous Common names Bluebell Botanical Name Hyacinthoides Non-scripta Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Asparagales Family – Asparagaceaees Physical Characteristics for Bluebells Leaf A small bulb growing into long thin waxy leaves which have C shaped veins. Flowers It has bell-like flowers, each flower with 6…

Violet Webcap / Summer / Autumn / Inedible Enter the realm of caution as we unveil the hidden dangers of the Violet Webcap (Cortinarius violaceus), a mushroom that demands respect for its inedibility and potential toxicity, it is referenced as edible at some sources but is worth serious caution due…

Olive Oysterling / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Not Edible Olive Oysterling Identification guide. Everything you need to safely identify this mushroom from it’s toxic lookalikes. Common Names: Olive like oysterling Botanical Name: Sarcomyxa Serotina Meaning of Botanical Name: Sarcomyxa meaning slimy flesh, serotina meaning late, referring to it…