
Mahonia / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Names Mahonia, Oregon Grape, holly leaved barberry Botanical Name Mahonia Aquifolium Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Rununculaes Family – Berberidaceae Physical Characteristics for Mahonia Leaves Pinnate leaves up to 30cm long, each leaf is made up of…

HEMLOCK WATER DROPWORT / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / DEADLY COMMON NAMES Hemlock Water Dropwort BOTANICAL NAME Oenanthe Crocata SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Kingdom – Plantae Order – Apilaes Family – Apiaceae Genus – Oenanthe PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root –  Large carrot like tubers growing in bunches. Stems – Hairless but grooved…

Eat Your Christmas Tree! This Douglas Fir and Apple Membrillo Recipe is the perfect thing to make with your christmas tree when it’s no longer needed. by Forager Megan @flintandfern Hold your horses before you take your Christmas tree to the curb. Did you know you can eat it?? I…