Tag: edible

WILD RASPBERRY / SUMMER / AUTUNM / EDIBLE COMMON NAMES Raspberry, hindberry. BOTANICAL NAME Rubus Idaeus PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root –  Unknown. Stems – In their first year the stems or canes have just leaves but from then on this stem produces leaves and flowers. The canes have small reddish thorns…

COMMON LIME / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / EDIBLE COMMON NAMES Common lime, European Lime, Linden. BOTANICAL NAME Tilia x Europaea SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Kingdom – Plantae Order – Malvales Family – Malvaceae Genus – Tilia PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS For Lime Trees Stems/Bark Young trees have grey/brown smooth bark which becomes…

GORSE / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN / WINTER / EDIBLE / DEADLY COMMON NAMES Gorse, Prickly broom, furze BOTANICAL NAME Ulex Europaeus PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root – Unknown. Stems/Bark – Green stems with the shoots and leaves modified into spikes. Leaves – It’s leaves are long, sharp and spiky. Flowers –…

FLOWERING CURRANT / SPRING / SUMMER / EDIBLE COMMON NAMES Flowering Currant BOTANICAL NAME Ribes sanguineum PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Root –  Not of interest. Stems/Bark – The bark is dark brown to grey with pale brown lenticels. Leaves – It has palmately lobed leaves that give off a sweet herbal aroma…

St George’s Mushroom/ Spring / Edible st Georges mushroom is a brilliant edible springtime mushroom, look around St George’s Day after some rain. Botanical name Calocybe gambosa Meaning of botanical name From the ancient Greek words kalos “pretty” and cubos “head”, and the Latin gambosus, meaning “club footed”. The species…