Peppery Milkcap/ Summer / Autumn / Edible but not recommended Through this guide we’re going to be taking a deep dive into the peppery milkcap to discover the keys to safely identify it. Scientific Name Lactarius piperatus/Lactifluus piperatus Family Russulaceae Habitat Deciduous woods, frequently with Ash on rich soils. Description…
Tag: summer
Woolly Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Poisonous Through this guide we’re going to look at the key feautures to help identify the woolly milkcap mushroom. Scientific Name Lactarius torminosus Family Russulaceae Habitat Woods and heaths, usually with Birch General Description It has a cap 4-12cm across which is convex…
Porcelain Fungus / Summer / Autumn / Edible We’re going to take a look at Porcelain Fungus (Oudemansiella musida) Identification so we can feel confident in finding this mushroom when out in the woods. Latin Name: Oudemansiella musida Family: Physalacriaceae Habitat: grows on the trunks of Beech, often high up…
Indigo Milkcap / Summer / Autumn / Edible Through this Indigo Milkcap (Lactarius indigo) Identification guide we will be taking a look at a very distinct member of the Milkcap family, quite rare but a lovely find. Scientific Name Lactarius indigo Common Names Indigo Milkcap, Blue milkcap, Candy cap Family…
Dittander / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Through this Dittander (Lepidium latifolium) Identification guide, we’re taking a look at a perennial member of the Cabbage family. It’s not the most common plant in the wild but it is becoming more common as a planted species. It’s not native…
This Sorrel and Raisin Walnut Tart recipe utilises the sharp flavour of sorrel and creates something beautiful. With a sharp citrus flavour, which many people describe as a green apple flavour, this little green leafy plant was traditionally used to add sharpness to dishes, before we had access to lemons. …
This Wild Rose Harissa Recipe requires on ¾ of a cup of rose petals. I use Rugosa because I love their scent, but you can use any provided it has a lovely smell. Our wild roses have a lovely scent if you collect them on a warm dry day, but…
Creeping Thistle / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible A native, biannual member of the daisy family.  It’s the most common thistle found in the UK and the stems and roots can be eaten raw or cooked. Common Names Creeping Thistle, Canada Thistle, Field Thistle Botanical Name Cirsium arvense…
German Chamomile / Spring / Summer / Edible German Chamomile is A non-native annual member of the daisy family, it can be used in the same way as the less common English Chamomile. Common Names Chamomile, Camomile, chamomile, German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, Wild chamomile, Blue chamomile, or Scented mayweed Botanical…
English Chamomile / Spring / Summer / Edible Chamomile A once common plant but due to habitat loss it is classed as vulnerable on the Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain. We would therefore not recommend harvesting it in the wild. Common Names Chamomile, Camomile, Roman Chamomile, English…