Common Inkcap / All Year Round / Toxic Enter the intriguing realm of the Common Inkcap, scientifically known as Coprinopsis Atramentaria, as we uncover the fascinating yet cautionary qualities of this mushroom. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the unique characteristics and toxic nature of…
Tag: toxic
Fools Funnel / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Toxic Enter with utmost caution into the perilous domain of the Fools Funnel (Clitocybe rivulosa), a mushroom that disguises its true danger beneath an innocent facade. Join us as we uncover the treacherous nature of this toxic fungus. With its pale…
Common Earthball / Summer/ Autumn / Toxic Embark on a journey into the mysterious world of the Common Earthball, scientifically known as Scleroderma Citrinum, as we explore the enigmatic qualities of this intriguing fungus. In this blog post, we delve into the unique characteristics and ecological significance of the Common…
Elfin Saddle / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Embark on a journey of caution and awareness as we uncover the secrets of the Elfin Saddle (Helvella lacunosa), a mushroom of alluring yet treacherous nature. Join us as we explore the delicate beauty and toxic potential of this fungus. With its…
Yew Tree / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible / Toxic Yew Tree (Taxus Baccata) Identification An evergreen tree up to 20 meters tall but quite often used as hedging. Virtually all parts of the Yew Tree are potentially deadly poisonous. Common Names English Yew, Common Yew. Botanical Name…
White Saddle / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Scientific Name Helvella Crispa Common Names The White Saddle, Elfin Saddle, Common Helvella. Family Helvellaceae Habitat In leaf litter, most often Beech and Oak. Description A common, mildly toxic fungus, found in summer and autumn, its unusual appearance makes it easy to…
Some of the Most Deadly and Toxic UK Mushrooms Sometimes learning the most deadly plants and fungi is a good starting point, if you can avoid them you’ll stay safe. This blog post is supposed to instill a little fear in the learning and budding forager, but only in so much that…
Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) Identification Toxic Common Names: Sulphur Tuft Botanical Name: Hypholoma fasciculare Meaning of Botanical Name: Hypholoma meaning mushroom with threads, fasciculare meaning small group. Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Fungi, Division: Basidiomycota, Class: Agaricomycetes, Order: Agaricales, Family: Strophariaceae Genus: Hypholoma Known Hazards: gastric upset, temporary paralysis and distorted vision.…
Deadly Fibrecap / Spring / Toxic Caution: This blog post delves into the realm of danger and toxicity. Today, we shed light on the notorious Deadly Fibrecaps (Inocybe erubescens), a mushroom that harbors a sinister secret. While the world of fungi often delights with its culinary treasures, it also hides…
Funeral bell Mushroom / Autumn / Winter / Toxic Prepare for a chilling revelation as we unmask the hidden danger of Funeral Bell Mushroom (Galerina marginata), a species that exudes a deadly elegance. Join us on a journey where beauty and toxicity intertwine. With their small, bell-shaped caps and subtle…