Category: coastal

 With vast open mountains, raised peat bogs, pristine coastlines, ancient woodlands and temperate rainforest there’s plenty of habitats to choose from if we want to foraging in Scotland Then there’s our beautiful city parks, which also contain the additional bonus of some truly amazing introduced species with complex, interesting and…

Salty Fingers / All Year / Edible Salty Fingers are an absolutely outstanding species that grows at certain special coastal spots throughout the UK and the rest of the world. This one looks prehistoric and like it shouldn’t be eaten, however it has a delightful salty flavour and the way…

Sea Aster / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Name Sea Aster Botanical Name Aster tripolium Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order –Asterales  Family – Asteraceae Physical Characteristics of Sea Aster Perennial (although often not for many years) herb that usually grows to about 50cm tall Leaves With…