Scots Pine / All Year Round / Edible Identification Guide for Scots Pine A tall, evergreen tree (up to 30m) flat or domed top. One of only three native conifers in the UK. Common Names Scots Pine, Scots fir, European redwood Botanical Name Pinus Sylvestris Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae…
Category: Plant identification
Ox Eye Daisy / Spring / Summer / Edible A fairly common and easy to identify plant with edible leaves and flowers. Common Names Ox Eye Daisy, Dog daisy, Marguerite. Botanical Name Leucanthemum vulgare Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Asterales Family – Asteraceae Physical Characteristics for Ox Eye…
Foxgloves / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Toxic Foxgloves are a very common summer flowering native plant, it’s potentially deadly poisonous so one every forager should be familiar with. Common Names Foxgloves, Foxes gloves, thimble flower, fairy gloves. Botanical Name Digitalis. There are quite a few Digitalis species the…
Heather / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Names Heather/Ling Heather/Scotch Heather Latin Name: Calluna vulgaris Erica tetralix, E. caerulea – Ericaceae Harvest Season: Best to collect fresh, young (not too woody) flowering tops (leaves and flowers) when the flowers have just bloomed – usually July – October, depending on…
Sea Aster / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common Name: Sea Aster Latin Name: Aster tripolium, Asteraceae Harvest Season: Young leaves become visible in April and you may find a bit of fresh growth until October. Rely on your sense of good, healthy, fresh-looking foliage. Habitat: Mainly salt…
Hotten-Tot Fig / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Edible Common Names Sour Fig/Ice Plant (The name Hottentot Fig is also known, but foragers should be aware that this name has colonial and racist history in South Africa where the plant originated) Latin Name Carpobrotus edulis, Aizoaceae (Fig-Marigold…
Scurvy Grass / spring / summer / autumn / winter / edible Common Name: Common Scurvy Grass, Danish Scurvy Grass, English Scurvy Grass Latin Name Cochlearia officinalis Family Brassicaceae. Growing on rock near a salt water body Season There is a scurvy grass for most of the growing season, and…
White Mustard / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common and Latin Names: White Mustard (Sinapis alba) Harvest Season: Late Spring to Summer these plants will be out in flower, leaf and seed, sometimes with a small revival in early Autumn. Habitat: They have been cultivated widely, and therefore…
Charlock Mustard/ Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common and Latin Names: Charlock Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) Harvest Season: Late Spring to Summer these plants will be out in flower, leaf and seed, sometimes with a small revival in early Autumn. Habitat: They have been cultivated widely, and therefore have…
Black Mustard / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Edible Common and Latin Names: Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) Harvest Season: Late Spring to Summer these plants will be out in flower, leaf and seed, sometimes with a small revival in early Autumn. Habitat: They have been cultivated widely, and therefore…