Tag: fruit

This isn’t a question often asked but there is the instance from time to time that I think – Can I eat this Tree? Trees provide us with all sorts of environmental services – as well as just looking nice and making us feel good they can also act as…

Medlar / Autumn / Winter / Edible Medlar are something that isn’t often eaten in the UK, it requires picking and letting to slightly ferment to produce a really nice caramel like fruit. Common Names Medlar, Common Medlar Botanical Name Mespilus germanica Scientific Clasification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales…

Elderberry Syrup was once advised to be eaten as a supplement and for helping to keep away colds and flu through winter. I’m adamant that since I started making this yearly and having some whenever I feel a cold coming on that the number of winter colds I’ve had have…

This Elderberry Port recipe is one of the easiest things I make every year, it’s a brilliant late evening drink and I also use it often for presents. If anyone knows me, even veaguely, you’ll know that I absolutely love quick wins that pack masses of flavour, maybe I’m getting…

Elderberry Pontack sauce might be one of those things you’ve never heard of, but once you’ve tasted it you’ll never forget it again. It’s difficult to describe but it’s a bit like if worcestershire sauce, port & ketchup had a little party under and fruiting elder tree and created their…

This Rose hip & beetroot soup recipe is perfect for the darker days to come and will warm you through. It almost has the flavour of a tomato and beetroot soup and is super high in vitamin C. Serves 3 Click here to see our Rose Hip Foraging Guide Ingredients:…

Damsons / Summer / Autumn / Edible Damsons are a common shrub with edible plum-like fruits.  Closely related to Sloes, Bullaces and Greengages. Common Names Damsons, Damson Plum Botanical Name Prunus domestica subspecies insititia, or sometimes Prunus insititia Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales Family – Rosaceae Physical…

Blackcurrant / Summer / Edible An easy to identify member of the Gooseberry family with edible fruits. It’s a medium-sized shrub, growing up to 1.5m tall. Common Names Blackcurrant, Cassis Botanical Name Ribes nigrum Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Saxifragales Family – Grossulariaceae Physical Characteristics for Blackcurrant Leaves…

Wild Strawberry / Spring / Summer / Edible A common sight in woodlands and parks. It’s a native perennial plant that’s really easy to identify. Common Names Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry, European strawberry. Botanical Name Fragaria vesca Scientific Classification Kingdom – Plantae Order – Rosales Family…